// Successful Start to the Haspe Salmon Centre breeding Season 2021/22

Beitrag geschrieben von Prof. Dr. Christopher Bridges

A successful start was made to the new salmon breeding season at the Haspe Salmon Centre in the beginning of October of this year. Annually the new salmon breeding season commences as water temperatures drop and on 17 October the native brood stock were examined and separated into males and females as can be seen below:

All fish, as can be seen, were in exceptionally good condition and these were later used to provide material for the Egg incubation.

On 18 November, 2021 the first 3 liters  of eggs have been stripped from the fish and together with a  new fertilization method, and sperm collected by colleagues from the “Landes Fischerei Anstalt, Albaum in Sauerland, used for fertilization and are now being incubated at the Salmon Centre in the dedicated Egg incubation RAS  (A).

On further monitoring of the eggs only approximately 7 eggs / L  were found to be non-fertilised  which is a very encouraging  and important result. The average water temperatures have been around 8.8°C. So far the development has been extremely good as can be seen on the 4.12.2021 (B)) with no mortalities. These eggs will remain in the RAS system, first developing the eye point stage in 2 to 3 weeks and then later on  (2 to 3 months) in spring they should have hatched into Alevins. In the 2020/21 season approximately 800 kg  of fry were produced for distribution in the  national river systems.


Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau

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